Ideas for why you would write a resignation letter are numerous, some positive whilst others negative. It is not mandatory to include your reasons for leaving when writing your resignation letter, however, you may do so if you want. It is considered a thoughtful thing to mention your resignation letter reasons, either personally or in writing, especially if you and your boss are on good terms. It is even more advisable to mention the reason if you are leaving under bad circumstances, as this may be a step towards mending the relationship and making sure you leave behind positive memories.
Personal Resignation Letter Reasons
The following reasons to write a letter of resignation are due to external circumstances that have no relation to your professional life such as your job, who you work for or who you are working with.
- Relocation
- Retirement
- Pregnancy
- Continuing your education
- Family emergency
- Discrimination
Professional Resignation Letter Reasons
The following reasons to write your letter of resignation are due to internal circumstances that are directly related to your professional life: your job, who you work for or who you are working with.
- New job offer
- Lack of pay
- Job dissatisfaction
- Higher position job
- Resigning under duress
- Problems with colleague(s)
Understand that these are only suggestions and the lists are not extensive. Bear in mind the appropriate language to use by checking out our resignation letter advice and tips.
If you need more information, go to resignation letter samples to view a few model resignation letters.
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