The vocabulary you choose to use in your apology letter is important because the person reading the letter should be able to engage with how you are feeling from what you say.
After you know how to write an apology letter, whether it is a business apology letter, personal apology letter or professional apology letter, read over your work and look at what words you have used within your apology.Take a look at our apology letter help for any further questions you have.
Apology Letter Heading
If your letter of apology is written in email form then a subject line is used at the top. This should capture the attention of the reader by sounding sincere and genuine without being too long of a title. It will most likely simple refer to the incident that occurred to brief the recipient on what they are about to read.
In a posted or printed apology letter, a heading is not always necessary but if you do choose to use one then do not include your apology at the top. It should simply refer to the situation/date/incident with your apology only beginning in the opening paragraph.
Apology Letter Endings
When concluding your apology letter you should reiterate your apology in one of the following ways depending on the formality of your letter:
- I hope that you will accept my apology/apologies…
- Counting on your generosity to accept my apology…
- I trust that my sincere apology will be accepted.
- ...I thank you in advance for your understanding.
Look through our apology letter samples to see how these are used.
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