Advice for Writing an Invitation Letter

It is important to make sure your invitation letter is written and presented correctly. Once you know how to write an invitation letter, or how to write an invitation letter for a visa, you must read over your work so your recipient is clear on what you are saying.

If you know you are hosting a big, important event for a national enterprise or international political figures for example, you will need to check if you must get your invitation letter notarized.

Tips on Your Invitation Letter

This can be used as a checklist when reading over your invitation letterLetter of Invitation Tips

  • Make sure all spelling, punctuation and grammar is correct.
  • Go over the event details so there are no mistakes.
  • Be clear to mention who is hosting the event and for what occasion.
  • When sending an invitation letter, use the correct recipient addresses.
  • Be consistent in your tone of voice and formality.
  • Provide your own contact details should anyone want to ask you anything further or get a hold of you.

Invitation Letter Wording

Here are some good introductory phrases for your invitation letter:

  • You are cordially invited…
  • ...requests the pleasure of your company…
  • ...extends an invitation to attend…
  • We would like to invite you to…

Here are some good concluding phrases to your invitation letter:

  • I look forward to receiving your RSVP…
  • It would be our pleasure to see you there!
  • ...kindly requesting your presence
  • Please let us know…

For further help, take a look at our invitation letter samples.


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