Appreciation letter format

The appreciation letter can boost your professional connections, your career and can strengthen your relation with a donor, a professor or even a customer. After all, everybody likes to know that his efforts are appreciated and to be thanked for them. At the  hour of writing it, you must keep in mind that a standard appreciation letter format can be used and adapted regardless the situation or the recipe, including some certain elements stated below.

What elements should include a letter of appreciation

Appreciation letter design

Sending a thank you message is a flattering way to express your feelings of consideration about someone's efforts, and even a greater way to break barriers with your professional acquaintances. Almost any appreciation letter content includes the following elements:

  • State the date and your contact details at the left top corner of your page. Here you should include your name, your phone number, your email address and - if the case -  your position or department.
  • As any other formal letter, start with a general salutation: Dear... followed by the name if the recipe is well known or Mr./Ms/Mrs./Miss.... if you are not very closed or you don't know personally the person you are writing to.
  • Use the first paragraph to write down the purpose of your gratitude letter with a clear, plain phrase: I am writing to thank you for... Your efforts mean a lot for me and I am deeply grateful for...
  • Go a little deeper concerning the importance of the recipe's efforts for you and also provide some additional information about you that are related to the subject. For example, if you are writing a formal thank you letter to a donar, bring some details about the organization or the cause the donation was made, and explain how the contribution will be used.
  • Reinforce your appreciation in the third paragraph, assuring the receiver that his efforts are valuable for you (or for your organization).
  • Sign off with a formal salutation such as Your sincerely, Best regards, Best wishes, include your name and any necessary contact details.

These are the major parts that compose an acknowledgement letter format, but if you want to go beyond the theory, check some concrete example of letters of appreciation.

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